Application Security: Overview

eSecForte’s Application Security solution help significantly reduce the risks around your software development lifecycle process. Our skilled team of test specialists performs manual as well as automated testing to help you design and build a robust application security testing system that effectively integrates with your existing development lifecycle.

Application Security

Application Security: Challenges

While mobile applications are becoming the primary communication medium between customers and businesses, maintaining its security has become critical and challenging for organizations. Apps are often exposed to hacking attacks, threats, and security breaches and most organizations lack a strong application security program that can identify and remediate all vulnerabilities in complex applications on both web and mobile platforms. eSecForte’s self-defending tools can ensure that both your web and mobile apps can defend themselves against external threats and attackers.

How can we help?

You can ensure that your critical applications and data are secured through our solutions. Our tools can
help identify, fix, and prevent security vulnerabilities in any software application. The
main objectives of our application security solutions are to:
⮚ Assess any application on all platforms and identify key security threats.
⮚ Enable developers to find and fix vulnerabilities
⮚ Take advantage of automation and cloud-based solution to easily incorporate
security into the development process
⮚ Take lessons from the past and manage future application development
⮚ Customized security and testing solution that are tailor-made to your
organizational requirements.
⮚ Multi-platform security testing to protect applications on the web, mobile devices,
and the cloud.

Features of our Application Security Services

application security
Application Analysis

We at eSecForte work with our clients to get a clear understanding of the application environment, processes and tools needed to build a comprehensive testing plan.

application security
Customized Solution

Through years of experience in offering security and testing solution, our team can design a testing program that is tailored to your organization’s requirements.

application security
Multi-platform Security

Our team at eSecForte focuses on building software that will protect your applications on mobile devices, on the web, in the cloud and on-premise.

application security
Comprehensive Testing Strategy

We deliver a comprehensive program strategy that comprises of testing services for VAPT, web application testing, mobile application testing, security assessment and training.

Benefits of our Application Security Solutions

application security

5 W’s

1. What are the common challenges in Application Security?
Some of the common challenges are Cross-site scripting, Denial of Service, SQL Injection, Buffer overflow, and data breach.

2. What are the steps in your response plan for app security?
In the event of a breach, our security management system will tackle it in the following way:

We first identify the source of the data breach through attack validation checks, logs, and reports.

Our system then mitigates the impact of the breach by first creating a backup of the data and then checking services running and then disconnecting the system from the source of the attack.

Once we identify the threat source, we will eliminate the root cause of the problem by updating security features.

We then restore the affected data through the data backup performed.

3. Why must I avail of your app security solutions for my organization?
Any data breach will compromise sensitive data leading to permanent damage to the company’s reputation. As companies migrate their sites and apps online, applications are bound to become more complex and applications security more critical.

4. What is the difference between Network Security and Application Security?
Network security implements boundary defenses such as firewalls to keep attackers at bay but they do not protect web applications from malicious attacks. This can be achieved only by our app security solutions.

5. What constitutes your web app security software?
Our web application security software consists of all essential components that can ensure the security of a web application and protect it from malicious attacks. Our web application security software can be configured by the user.