Nexpose GEM Installation with Ruby API

Nexpose GEM Installation with Ruby API

Nexpose GEM Installation with Ruby API

Nexpose GEM provides a Ruby API for interacting with Rapid7’s Nexpose Vulnerability Management Solution. After Successful GEM installation, users can automate Nexpose tasks by writing their own Ruby Scripts.

This guide helps users to install GEM in their local Ubuntu 14.04 Server System.  GEM requires Ruby Version 2.1 or higher. For Smooth installation, the whole process is divided into two sections. First section explains Ruby 2.3 installation and GEM installation is explained in the following section.

Read More-> How to Scan in Nexpose

Ruby Installation

Follow the below steps to install the stable and latest version of Ruby.

  1. The public key has to be downloaded because, the installer will check if the downloaded releases signature matches the public key imported by user.
      gpg –keyserver hkp:// –recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3Nexpose GemNexpose Gem
  2.  Download the RVM stable version with Ruby.curl –sSL | bash –s stable –-rubyNexpose Gem nexpose_gem-installation-with-ruby-api-3 nexpose_gem-installation-with-ruby-api-4
  3. Install rvm, and update the systemapt-get install
    apt-get update
  4. Reboot the system
  5. Check the current ruby version.ruby –version nexpose_gem-installation-with-ruby-api-5Note: In case if you want to install any other Ruby versions prior to Ruby Version 2.3, use the below commands. For example execute the commands, if you need to install Ruby version 2.2.rvm install 2.2
    rvm use 2.2 –-default

GEM Installation:

After Ruby installation, GEM can be installed by executing the following command.
gem install nexpose –no-ri –no-rdoc 

  • The no-ri and no-rdoc options reduce download size for the Rex dependencies
  • If you get a permission denied error, you might need to source the RVM script with source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
  • If you need a specific version of the gem, use gem install nexpose:1.0.0 replacing1.0.0 with the desired version
  • Check the Nexpose gem version(s) installed:gem list | grep nexposeFor better understanding and training on Nexpose Gem Installation with Ruby API  you can get in touch with Us  – Contact