![Brute Force Attack](https://www.esecforte.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/2-2.jpg)
Login page – Brute Force attack
Title: Login page – Brute Force attack
Product: Revive Adserver
Version: 5.4.1
Revive Adserver 5.4.1 vulnerable to Brute Force attack attacker can do brute and attack can gain password.
A login page that is vulnerable to a brute force attack is a serious security vulnerability. Brute force attacks are a common method used by attackers to gain unauthorized access to a system by repeatedly trying different combinations of usernames and passwords until they find the correct one.
A vulnerable login page can be exploited by an attacker using automated software or tools to launch a brute force attack. The attack can be successful if the login page does not have sufficient measures in place to prevent or mitigate the attack.
Some of the factors that can make a login page vulnerable to brute force attacks include:
Weak passwords: If the system allows users to choose weak passwords that can be easily guessed, then the attacker can use brute force techniques to try out different password combinations and eventually gain access.
Lack of account lockout: A login page that does not have an account lockout feature can be exploited by an attacker who can keep trying different combinations of usernames and passwords without being locked out after a certain number of failed attempts.
Predictable usernames: If the login page allows users to choose predictable usernames, such as their email addresses, then attackers can use this information to launch a targeted brute force attack.
Lack of rate limiting: A login page that does not have rate limiting can be exploited by an attacker who can keep trying different combinations of usernames and passwords at a very high rate, overwhelming the system and eventually gaining access.
Steps of PoC:
Step -1 In this step attack navigate to revive login page http://localhost/revive/www/admin/index.php and attack will be try to login
Step-2 attack will intercept the request via Burpsuite proxy
Step-3 In this step attack send the burpsuite proxy reqest in to burpsuite intruder
Step-4 In this step attacker will set the payload for brute force attack.
Step-5 In this attack gain the password of root user and account has been compromised .
Steps of remediation for brute force attack
- To prevent brute force attacks on a login page, it is important to implement strong security measures such as:
- Enforcing strong password policies and requiring users to choose complex passwords that are difficult to guess.
- Implementing an account lockout feature that locks out users after a certain number of failed login attempts.
- Using unpredictable usernames and not allowing users to choose predictable usernames such as their email addresses.
- Implementing rate limiting to limit the number of login attempts that can be made within a certain time period.
Dipendar Sharma from eSec Forte Technologies Pvt. Ltd.