Support for APFS Snapshots and Extended Attributes from Macs with T2 Chipsets!

Due to the recent changes with Apple technology and recent security features included in macOS, we have extended the capabilities of our software to meet these new challenges and have released RECON ITR.
To prevent future roadblocks, we decided to bring two of our best products together into one, to give forensic investigators the ability to adapt to the changes that Apple may have on the newer macOS versions. With the launch of RECON ITR, SUMURI is proud to provide the only tool that both images and triages Macs and also gives you the ability to generate reports in the field at a lower price than any other solutions. Built on the macOS platform, RECON ITR gives you the answers you need within minutes or seconds as opposed to other solutions that require additional analysis in additional tools to complete the triage.
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